Supporter Groups
In order for an external group to be able to book and use the Club’s facilities for meetings and fund-raising purposes, it must gain approval from the Club’s primary decision-making body, the GM. They must formally submit their proposed membership at least seven days prior to any GM discussing their application and only groups that agree with the Club’s core principles of Mutual Aid and Solidarity may apply for Supporter group status. Once approved, they must also agree to regularly attend GMs, to leave the Club spaces in an orderly state after they have used it, to commit their members to volunteer in the Club in order to facilitate its use by others just as other volunteers have committed their time to facilitating their group’s activities in the Club, and to adhere to our Safer Spaces policy at all times.
Supporter Groups are able to book fundraising events (gigs, Sunday roasts, etc,) and meetings without having to repeatedly seek the agreement of the GM. However, they are required to liaise with the relevant collectives in order to make sure properly trained volunteers are available to run the bar/kitchen and/or Ents. equipment.
Amongst the Club’s many Supporter Groups are the Brighton Against the Arms Trade, Brighton Anarchist Black Cross, Brighton Antifascists, Brighton Hunt Saboteurs, Brighton Migrant Solidarity, Brighton Punx Picnic, Free University Brighton, and IWW Brighton.
Non-Supporter Groups may also have access and use of the Club’s facilities but must gain approval on each separate occasion from the monthly GM, as well as adhering to all the stipulations set out above.