The bookshop is on the right of the club, as you walk in the front door. It is open whenever the club is open.
We occasionally organise bookshop talks which are FREE and open to the public.
Over the last three years some of the people we have hosted include Kate Evans (twice!), John Zerzan, Judith Suissa, David Graeber, Lucas Hussein and Dane Goodman. Flyers for previous events can be seen on the past events page.
If you are on Facebook you can check for future events through the Cowley Club group or they will be put in the listings.
We have specialist book sections on:
- Anarchism
- Queer Studies
- Feminism
- Ecology
- Autonomedia Press
- AK Press
- Freedom Press
- Radical History
- Anti-Militarism
- Vegan Cooking
- Punk
- Armed Struggle
- Squatting
- Animal Rights
The bookshop is proud to be an associate member of the Alliance of Radical Booksellers.
The Cowley Club Bookshop can be contacted at ten.puesir@skoobyelwoc