We're coming back!
Now that we're allowed to host live music again, here's what we're doing to keep you safe, and what you can to do help us...
Here's what we're doing...
- All of our volunteers will continue to wear masks, and will take a Covid test before starting their shift
- Extra cleaning! Anarchists aren't known as the cleanest bunch, but we're bucking the trend. We're thoroughly cleaning the club before and after events, and whenever there's an opportunity during
- Thanks to our supporters who donated to our crowdfunder, we have a brand new glasswasher to ensure all our drinks are served in sparkling clean glasses
How you can help...
- Keep wearing a mask, it's a grand anarchist tradition after all!
- If you have symptoms, or have come into contact with someone who has, please stay at home
- Get tested! You can get lateral flow Covid test kits for free from any chemist, please take a test before coming to the club (and obviously don't come if it's positive)
- Take responsibility, it's down to all of us to keep safe and stay open. Please listen to our volunteers and follow their instructions
Remember, just because Boris and his bunch of clowns say you don't have to wear a mask or take precautions, doesn't mean you shouldn't. We are a community, and have to look out for eachother before anything else