Maintenance 2021
We're closing for a couple of weeks for some much needed maintenance that we didn't quite manage to get around to during lockdown. Come and give us a hand!
There's always lots of jobs that need doing, and since it's quiet during August we've decided to close our doors for a couple of weeks to get around to all those bigger jobs that we've not quite had the time fore while the club has been open
Come down and join us, we'll supply the tea and biscuits. There's jobs for everyone regardless of your skill level, and you'll even have the opportunity to learn something new. Get in touch to arrange a time, as we're not there 24/7 (we do have lives you know!)
We'll be reopening on 2nd September for a Greek Solidarity Fundraiser, and then we're on to Brighton Punx Picnic 2021, so you'll be able to see all the amazing work our volunteers will be putting in over the next couple of weeks to get the club clean, tidy and fixed up for the next year