Prisoner Letter Writing and Film Screening
- Date
- Sunday 27th June 2021
- Doors
- 13:00 - 18:00
- Members and Guests
- 12LRSC Members and Guests welcome

Feel free to join at any time and bring a friend!
We will be showing:
- Sub media episode ‘Inside Out’ about the prison industrial complex, life and resistance on the inside and how we can mobilise resistance from the outside.
- ‘Behind the mask’ a documentary about the Animal Liberation Front in the U.K. with interviews from key players and folks imprisoned for sabotage and footage from liberations and laboratories (CW: contains some clips of graphic speciesist violence)
We can have some discussions after each screening to discuss the topics of the videos with drinks and cake. Everyone’s thoughts and critical engagement is welcome.
Pay as you feel entry with all donations going to Unoffensive Animal for court and prisoner support!
There will be pens, paper, cards and postcards provided (If you have any stamps lying around feel free to bring them but don’t worry if not!) Let’s support our comrades behind bars 🖤
Until every cage is empty