Cowley Club

Pog / Nana / Jason Stirling

Saturday 22nd May 2021
Members and Guests
12LRSC Members and Guests welcome

revivelive: Brighton Punx Picnic presents...

Pog / Nana / Jason Stirling

Welcome back to live music at The Cowley Club! We're over the moon to be hosting our first live music event in over a year to finally kick off our reopening (as much as it's safe and legal to do)

We've teamed up with the Brighton Punx Picnic crew to welcome back some Cowley Club favourites for this special occasion...


Soulful acoustic punk from Brighton, do they need a description? You know exactly who they are by now, they've been part of the club since before we even had a building!

Jason Stirling

Banjo twiddling moustache bearer, you might recognise him as one of Matilda's Scoundrels, or possibly as part of the Blue Moon Band supergroup


All the way from Italy (or, volunteering behind the bar, whichever sounds grander) is travelling melancholic acoustic punk from Nana

The details

Doors will open at 8pm, and it's a £3 suggested donation on the door

Members and their guests are welcome, and pre-booking is essential as space will be limited to ensure everyone's safety. Send us a message via bulc.yelwoc@snoitavreser‎ to book your space in a group of up to six with you and your group members’ names and 12 London Road Social Club membership number (if you have one)

We’ve taken every possible precaution to be as safe as it’s possible to be at the current time, and we ask you to follow our volunteers’ instructions to keep it that way. Masks are essential unless you’re in your seat with a drink in your hand. If you have any symptoms, or have been in contact with anyone who has them, please be responsible and stay at home

As well as the usual sign in procedure, we will also be taking additional details for contact tracing